FramaRoot è una delle migliori applicazioni dedite al ROOT che io conosca. E’ continuamente aggiornata e supporta tantissimi device diversi. Ma il punto forte sta nella sua semplicità d’uso.
Un tocco e via
Grazie alla sua semplice interfaccia, priva di inutili fronzoli, FramaRoot permette, scegliendo l’exploit adatto, il Root su molteplici device, di cui stilerò una bella lista in avanti.

Una volta aperta l’app, avrete a disposizione diversi metodi ROOT (SAM, FRODO, BOROMIR ecc.), che cambiano da processore a processore. Se non siete sicuri di quale scegliere, fate delle prove: in caso di insuccesso, al vostro dispositivo non accadrà nulla.
Scaricate Framaroot 1.9.3 APK Full da qui [MEGA] o da qui [ZIPPYSHARE].
Changelog delle varie versioni
Per chi fosse un pò più esperto, può analizzare i cambiamenti delle versioni qui sotto:
Version 1.9.3: Update SuperSU to 1.99r4. Add Czech translation thanks to efIT^cz™.
Version 1.9.2: Update SuperSU to 1.94. Fix error #15.
Version 1.9.1: New action (Execute script) added which will allow you to execute a custom script. Ukrainian language added thanks to Bogdan.
Version 1.9.0: Add Barahir exploit (potentially affect Mediatek based devices).
Version 1.8.1: Another attempt to fix crashes.
Version 1.8.0: Add Faramir exploit, little brother of Boromir (potentially affect Mediatek based devices).
Version 1.7.1: Link to Framaroot donation added (it does nothing as this kind of application are forbidden on play store … but it could do something someday)
Version 1.7.0: Due to a mistake, Pippin exploit didn’t appear in exploit list, its fixed now (Huawei device owners welcome). Add Gollum exploit for AMLogic based devices.
Version 1.6.1: Remove Superuser as it fail to install. Add execution support from adb command line.
Version 1.6.0: Add Pippin exploit (potentially affect Huawei K3V2 based devices)
Version 1.5.3: An attempt to fix Gandalf error#10
Version 1.5.2: Revert to exploitation fix included in 1.4.1. Add Slovakian and Italian languages. Error # added in toast message when exploit failed (report the error number in this thread so I could give you the reason of failure). Previously fix for Framaroot crash was a dirty hack, with this version you shouldn’t encounter crash.
Version 1.5.1: Should fix Framaroot crashes.
Version 1.5.0: Add Boromir exploit (potentially affect many MT65XX based devices).
Version 1.4.3: Update SuperSU to 1.34. Rewrote the fix include in 1.4.1 for better but slower exploitation.
Version 1.4.2: Add Russian and French languages. Add scrollbar for exploit list. Update SuperSU to 1.30
Version 1.4.1: Fix a bug in exploitation due to the different kernel data alignement between version and devices, so if exploits didn’t work before it “may” work with this version if your device is vulnerable
Version 1.4: Add Gandalf exploit (potentially affect Qualcomm based devices, tested on Nexus 4, as always feedbacks are welcome)
Version 1.3: Add Aragorn and Legolas exploits (could affect wide range of samsung devices including non exynos devices, please give feedbacks for your devices. Thanks)
Version 1.2.1: Fix unroot bug. Improvements for exploitation. Embed SuperSU 1.25
Version 1.2: Add possibility to Install Superuser, Install SuperSU and Unroot
Version 1.1: Frodo exploit added
Version 1.0: Initial release