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Kernel Linux 4.12 ufficialmente rilasciato!

Come avevo annunciato con la settima Release Candidate del progetto, ecco che finalmente è arrivata l’edizione finale del Kernel Linux, col solito leggero entusiasmo da parte di Torvalds.

L’annuncio ufficiale del Kernel Linux 4.12 recita:

Things were quite calm this week, so I really didn’t have any real
reason to delay the 4.12 release.

As mentioned over the various rc announcements, 4.12 is one of the
bigger releases historically, and I think only 4.9 ends up having had
more commits. And 4.9 was big at least partly because Greg announced
it was an LTS kernel. But 4.12 is just plain big.

There’s also nothing particularly odd going on in the tree – it’s all
just normal development, just more of it that usual. The shortlog
below is obviously just the minor changes since rc7 – the whole 4.12
shortlog is much too large to post.

In the diff department, 4.12 is also very big, although the reason
there isn’t just that there’s a lot of development, we have the added
bulk of a lot of new header files for the AMD Vega support. That’s
almost exactly half the bulk of the patch, in fact, and partly as a
result of that the driver side dominates everything else at 85+% of
the release patch (it’s not all the AMD Vega headers – the Intel IPU
driver in staging is big too, for example).

But aside from just being large, and a blip in size around rc5, the
rc’s stabilized pretty nicely, so I think we’re all good to go.

Go out and use it.

Oh, and obviously this means that the merge window for 4.13 is thus
open. You know the drill.

in sostanza, Linus vede la 4.12 come una release abbastanza grande e soprattutto molto stabile, se paragonata alle precedenti RC. Al solito la sezione driver ha occupato buona parte dello sviluppo, ed AMD Vega ne è stato sicuramente il protagonista. Che dire, testate il nuovo Kernel!

Riguardo a: Salvo Cirmi (Tux1)

Un pinguino intraprendente che dopo diversi anni di "servizio" online (e soprattutto delle guide) ha acquisito conoscenze non di poco conto sui settori Android, Linux e Windows. Le mie specialità sono il modding e le review. Nel tempo libero (che è raro trovare) suono il piano, mi diverto effettuando modding e provando distribuzioni Linux, BSD ed altre.

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