IPFire 2.13 Core 74

Michael Tremer announced the release of IPFire 2.13 Core 74.

The official announcement says:

Christmas is approaching and as an early gift we would like to give to all those who are celebrating our brand new release IPFire 2.13 Core Update 74.

Update to squid 3.3.11

The latest maintenance update of the Web Proxy package squid has been applied. The max. number of filedescriptors has again been increased to1048576 and the issue that it was impossible for the squid daemon to set the desired configuration value has been fixed (#10445).

VPN service updates

The OpenVPN package has been updated to version 2.3.2.

strongswan, the package responsible for IPsec VPN connections, has been updated to version 5.1.1.

Increasing RSA key sizes

The HTTPS key and certificate that are used for communitcating with our IPFire Web User Interface has been increased to 4096 bits. This follows the general advice by various authorities. New installations will automatically generate a bigger key.

Downloadipfire-2.13.i586-full-core74.iso (103MB, SHA1)

Riguardo a: Salvo Cirmi (Tux1)

Un pinguino intraprendente che dopo diversi anni di "servizio" online (e soprattutto delle guide) ha acquisito conoscenze non di poco conto sui settori Android, Linux e Windows. Le mie specialità sono il modding e le review. Nel tempo libero (che è raro trovare) suono il piano, mi diverto effettuando modding e provando distribuzioni Linux, BSD ed altre.

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