FMWhatsApp v4.0 FULL APK Download!

Non so se vi ricordate di GBWhatsApp Plus e delle sue fantastiche modifiche apportate alla versione standard del programma presente sul Play Store, ma di recente sembra essere arrivata una nuova mod di WhatsApp, chia,ata FMWhatsApp che, basandosi su GBWhatsApp Plus ne migliora ulteriormente l’interfaccia e le funzioni.


The latest whatsapp MOD with enhanced design and profile based on GBWhatsApp with amazing features.

Add WhatsApp+ widget ( to hide/show your Online status )
Add +50 new themes in Themes Server
Ability to preview Contact pic in Conversation Screen Header by pressing on it
Update the base to the latest version ( 2.12.361 ) on Play Store
Ability to star important messages to read it later
Ability to backup your conversations to Google Drive ( may not work )
Ability to delete messages according to specific period of time ( older than a month/6 months )
Ability to preview links in Conversation Screen
Ability to chat with received attached contact without need to save number in your device
Unblock Telegram links in Conversation .You know WhatsApp Inc. had blocked telegram links in Conversation ( Non-clickable ) .. Now , Its clickable
Updated translations ( Spanish , Portuguese & Italian )

Novità della versione 4.0:

Show contacts name in whatsapp.logs instead of numbers
Added MOD 6.14 to stop receiving WhatsApp Voice Calls
Change color of emojis icons in Emoji bar in Conversation Screen when use MOD 1.2.26
Use MOD 6.8 to also delete cache ( Cache & Unnecessary files )
Other fixes
Added more 6 bubbles
>Telegram >Windows Phone >In >Bryed >Alternate Crayon v2 >Fold
Thus total number of bubbles = 30(6+4+3+2+9+6)
Added more 7 ticks
>Google v1 >Material v2 >GRW >Feet >Crayon Alternate v2 >Heart >Android
Thus total number of ticks = 37(9+7+2+1+3+8+7)
Fixed WA+ Paper Redesigned (now looks more like Wa+ Paper)
Fixed Material v1 ticks (easy to distinguish between sent and delivered)
Fixed WALB and Chat On bubbles (small fix at edges)
Fixed FB messenger tick (sent tick)
Changed design of Google ticks and added as Google v1
Say goodbye to LAG. Fixed lag issue radically .. No more lags – Super fast !


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Riguardo a: Salvo Cirmi (Tux1)

Un pinguino intraprendente che dopo diversi anni di "servizio" online (e soprattutto delle guide) ha acquisito conoscenze non di poco conto sui settori Android, Linux e Windows. Le mie specialità sono il modding e le review. Nel tempo libero (che è raro trovare) suono il piano, mi diverto effettuando modding e provando distribuzioni Linux, BSD ed altre.

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