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Kernel Linux 5.1 RC1 rilasciato!

Dopo il rilascio della versione 5.0 del cuore del sistema operativo Linux, il kernel, ecco che troviamo il rilascio della prima Release Candidate della versione 5.1. Vi lascio il link alla 5.0 nel caso voleste approfondire (trovate anche il riepilogo delle novità complete sul sito, basta cercare):

Kernel Linux 5.0 rilasciato con supporto FreeSync!

Sul Kernel Linux 5.1 RC1, Torvalds commenta:

It's Sunday, and two weeks have passed, and everything is normal. You
all know the drill by now - the merge window is closed, and things are
supposed to calm down.

The merge window felt fairly normal to me. And looking at the stats,
nothing really odd stands out either. It's a regular sized release
(which obviously means "big" - , but it's not bigger than usual) and
the bulk of it (just over 60%) is drivers. All kinds of drivers, the
one that stands out for being different is the habanalabs AI
accelerator chip driver, but I suspect we'll be starting to see more
of that kind of stuff. But there are all the usual suspects too - gpu,
networking, block devices etc etc.

A somewhat recent development is how the tools/testing/ updates have
been quite noticeable lately. That's not new to the 5.1 merge window,
it's been going on for a while, but it's maybe just worth a mention
that we have more new selftest changes than we have architecture
updates, for example. The documentation subdirectory is also quite

But on the whole, there's really stuff all over, including core VFS
updates (in addition to all the usual low-level filesystem updates
too, of course).

And as always, the shortlog is much too big to post with 11k+ commits
(12k+ if counting merges). So below is my usual "mergelog" listing
submaintainers and a summary of the git pulls I've done from them..

riassumendo in italiano, tutto sembra normale; guardando alle statistiche non trovo nulla di strano, la dimensione sembra regolare ed abbiamo i classici aggiornamenti di driver/filesystem/netowrking/CPU (non dimenticatevi l’aggiunta di nuove CPU Intel ed AMD al cuore del Kernel, si, Comet Lake e Ryzen 3000x). Ci sono circa 11k di commits e tutte le novità le trovate qui.

Riguardo a: Salvo Cirmi (Tux1)

Un pinguino intraprendente che dopo diversi anni di "servizio" online (e soprattutto delle guide) ha acquisito conoscenze non di poco conto sui settori Android, Linux e Windows. Le mie specialità sono il modding e le review. Nel tempo libero (che è raro trovare) suono il piano, mi diverto effettuando modding e provando distribuzioni Linux, BSD ed altre.

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