Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 2

Adam Conrad announced the release of the seconth beta of Ubuntu 13.10 “Saucy Salamander”.

The official announcement says:

The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the final beta release of Ubuntu 13.10 Desktop, Server, Cloud, and Core products.

Codenamed “Saucy Salamander”, 13.10 continues Ubuntu’s proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, introducing new features and fixing bugs.

Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Core, Cloud Images:

Saucy Final Beta includes updated versions of most of our core set of packages, including a current 3.11.1 kernel, a new upstart, and many more.

Download:  ubuntu-13.10-beta2-desktop-amd64.iso (882MB, SHA256torrent).

Riguardo a: Salvo Cirmi (Tux1)

Un pinguino intraprendente che dopo diversi anni di "servizio" online (e soprattutto delle guide) ha acquisito conoscenze non di poco conto sui settori Android, Linux e Windows. Le mie specialità sono il modding e le review. Nel tempo libero (che è raro trovare) suono il piano, mi diverto effettuando modding e provando distribuzioni Linux, BSD ed altre.

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